Mali, Africa - December 2007

Elliott & Cathy Masie are heading to Mali, Africa, on their Learning Gives Back! Project. Organized by Malaria No More, this mission will be part of an international distribution of more than 2 Million Mosquito Nets and other health projects.

This project was triggered at Learning 2007, with the help of Melinda Doolittle and over 2,000 learning professionals.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Learning Makes All The Difference!

One significant impression from our trip to Africa is the role that Learning and Training play in making a difference in Africa.

Each of the development projects that we visited, from health care to micro-loans, to AIDS prevention to economic development had one key success factor:

Effective Learning and Training Practices

All the economic assistance in the world will not make a significant difference without good learning and teaching.

While I know the topic of learning was raised often, due to the work that I do, it hit a deep resonant chord in every conversation. Teaching people the skills, information and context they need to survive and then hopefully, thrive, in this environment is totally based on access to good learning.

And, learning here is not about technology. It is about the basics of how people learn. Access to expertise, structures for practice, feedback on performance and support for transfer to the work/living place.