Mali, Africa - December 2007

Elliott & Cathy Masie are heading to Mali, Africa, on their Learning Gives Back! Project. Organized by Malaria No More, this mission will be part of an international distribution of more than 2 Million Mosquito Nets and other health projects.

This project was triggered at Learning 2007, with the help of Melinda Doolittle and over 2,000 learning professionals.

Friday, December 7, 2007

What is a Bed Net? Prevention for $10!

During this trip, more than a million Bed Nets will be distributed in Mali. Here is an explanation about the Bed Net:

"Long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) work by creating a protective barrier against mosquitoes at night, when the vast majority of transmissions occur. The African malaria mosquitoes generally bite late at night or early morning, between 10pm and 4am. Most mosquito nets can accommodate more than one person – a mother and an infant or a few siblings – for up to three to five years. A net treated with special insecticides offers about twice the protection of an untreated net, and through its repellency, can even protect other people in the room outside the net. When enough people (about 70 percent) sleep under LLINs, entire communities, even houses without an LLIN, can be made safer."

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